The Trial of Florie Maybrick

In order to even out the downloading time, the trial has been transcribed into fourteen different files which are listed below in chronological order. All non-verbal acts of importance will be entered in italics, while all speech and testimony will be in regular print. The complete trial record is provided here so that the reader can formulate their own opinion on how Florie's case was handled by both the defense and Justice Stephen.

Judge: Justice James Fitzjames Stephen, K.C.S.I.

Counsel for the Crown: Mr. John Addison, Mr. W.R. McConnell, Mr. Thomas Swift

Counsel for the Prisoner: Sir Charles Russell, Mr. William Pickford

Prisoner: Florence Elizabeth Maybrick

"Florence Elizabeth Maybrick, aged twenty-six, was indicted for having, on the 11th of May, feloniously, wilfully, and of her malice aforethought, killed and murdered one James Maybrick.


Thomas Wainwright (foreman)
T. Ball
A. Harrison
W. Walmsley
W.H. Gaskell
J. Taylor
G.H. Welsby
R.G. Brook
J.W. Sutton
J. Tyrer
J. Bryers
J. Thierens

Opening Speech for the Prosecution
Evidence for the Prosecution (July 31st, 1889)
Evidence for the Prosecution (August 1st, 1889)
Evidence for the Prosecution (August 2nd, 1889)
Evidence for the Prosecution (August 3rd, 1889)
Opening Speech for the Defense
Evidence for the Defense (August 3rd, 1889)
Evidence for the Defense (August 5th, 1889)
Statement by the Accused
Closing Speech for the Defense
Closing Speech for the Prosecution
Justice Stephen's Closing Speech (August 6th, 1889)
Justice Stephen's Closing Speech (August 7th, 1889)
Verdict and Sentencing

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